Nous représentons un Partenariat Economique, Nord-Sud et
OxyWings apporte un service attendu au développement de la zone économique Afrique Australe
Factors shaping our strategic decisions
Growing demand for passenger transport
on the Dar es Salaam – Moroni – Madagascar route
To meet the demands of the sea freight markets throughout the Southern African region and the Indian Ocean
Developing a fleet of low-carbon, solar-powered vessels dedicated to maritime freight
Organise local markets for sea freight – coal, cement, containers, herds of zebus, local food
We opened a regular ferry service in 2021 and have reached our target of two regular monthly rotations.
The vessel ACADIE is now an active maritime economic operator in our target economic zone.
Notre produit et service
- Ouverture de ligne maritime
- Transport de fret maritime décarboné à propulsion vélique et solaire
- Une équipe dirigeante d'entrepreneurs
dédiés au secteur maritime et aérien
- La formation et un recrutement sur place de professionnels du secteur maritime
Action N°3
Atteindre plusieurs centaines de milliers d'utilisateurs actifs mensuels d'ici fin 2025
Consolidate the presence and expansion of our shipping lines
To make three additional cargo vessels rapidly available
Continue to open up island communities
Continue to open up island communities
Establish a win-win relationship with the populations and economic operators of the area
Develop a fleet capable of meeting high demand
Opening up several hundred thousand people by 2025
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